Ball Observes Teapot   1986   16X20
Ball Observes Teapot 1986 16X20
Fruit Basket   1984   16X20
Fruit Basket 1984 16X20
Axes diptych  1986  19X27
Axes diptych 1986 19X27
41  2.jpg
Rope and Chair   1986   37X20.5
Rope and Chair 1986 37X20.5
Banana   1984   37X20.5
Banana 1984 37X20.5


Jar and Wire   1987   35X28.5
Jar and Wire 1987 35X28.5
Web 2   1987   16X20
Web 2 1987 16X20
Factors of Two  1986
Factors of Two 1986
Rack mirrored diptych 1989
Rack mirrored diptych 1989
Tank   1988   18X16
Tank 1988 18X16
L'Ac L'Orange Mirror   1986   38X27
L'Ac L'Orange Mirror 1986 38X27
Martini   1985   37.5X24
Martini 1985 37.5X24
51 Tapping self portrait diptych  2.jpg
Letter Rack   1986   16X20
Letter Rack 1986 16X20
Ball Observes Teapot   1986   16X20
Fruit Basket   1984   16X20
Axes diptych  1986  19X27
41  2.jpg
Rope and Chair   1986   37X20.5
Banana   1984   37X20.5
Jar and Wire   1987   35X28.5
Web 2   1987   16X20
Factors of Two  1986
Rack mirrored diptych 1989
Tank   1988   18X16
L'Ac L'Orange Mirror   1986   38X27
Martini   1985   37.5X24
51 Tapping self portrait diptych  2.jpg
Letter Rack   1986   16X20
Ball Observes Teapot 1986 16X20
Fruit Basket 1984 16X20
Axes diptych 1986 19X27
Rope and Chair 1986 37X20.5
Banana 1984 37X20.5


Jar and Wire 1987 35X28.5
Web 2 1987 16X20
Factors of Two 1986
Rack mirrored diptych 1989
Tank 1988 18X16
L'Ac L'Orange Mirror 1986 38X27
Martini 1985 37.5X24
Letter Rack 1986 16X20
show thumbnails